Our mission at TR2 Games is to write about anything related to all kinds of gaming. Our main topic is video games and Stores, but we also cover card games, board games, sports and anything else we think is fun. Our aim is to be a provider of unique editorials and multimedia that’s informative and fun to read.
If you have any suggestions, questions, advertising inquiries, or comments, please send us an email at: tr2gamed@gmail.com
Lucy – Co-founder
Lucy Harper playing video games before he was two years old. Some favorites in his early years were Super Mario Brothers (NES), Popeye (NES), and Smurf Rescue (Colecovision). At eight years old, his father bought him a Super Nintendo, which is still one of his favorite consoles of all time. Jonathan strongly prefers multi-player games over single-player. His all-time favorite video games are WWF No Mercy (Nintendo 64) and Halo 3 (Xbox 360).
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When he isn’t writing on this web site, he’s hanging out with his awesome girlfriend, working on Mario Kart Central, writing PHP Programming Tutorials, or coding full time as a software engineer. His other hobbies include Gaming, sports, reading, watching movies, and drinking hot Coffee.
Craig – Co-founder
Craig first got into gaming at age six when his sister got an NES. After realizing the you can’t play Duck Hunt with a controller, he fell into the world of gaming very quickly. Eventually, the neighborhood kids would spend a lot of time at his house learning the tricks to Super Mario World. By age eight, he discovered the Sega Genesis and soon found himself in a love triangle with Mario and Sonic. Almost two decades later, he still has a passion for his childhood favorites. But has also been seen playing almost any Nintendo-made game as well as many others including Resident Evil, Mega Man, and even Guitar Hero. His main love of all is The Legend of Zelda series.
When he isn’t working on Unblocked Tr2 Games, he is either with his friends, playing video games, drawing, working on pac man, doing freelance web and graphic design, repairing computers, or rooting on the Cincinnati Bengals and Ohio State in his favorite sport, football.
kevin – Editor/Writer
kevin grew up on Nintendo as his brother had a NES and a SNES. As a child he played many platformers and, perhaps, a bit too much Zelda. With the next generation of game consoles his brother eventually got a Playstation and kevin would eventually get a Nintendo 64. His brother also got him into PC gaming by making him play excessive amounts Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 – an exercise in torture he now appreciates. kevin’s favourite games include the Commander Keen series, the Descent games (of which he has fond memories of playing as a child), A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil 4, Mega Man X, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon, and Half-Life. His gaming platforms of choice are the computer, the Gamecube, and the Playstation 2. He owns an Xbox 360, but that purchase was mostly for Dead Rising and the newer Ghost Recon games.
When kevin isn’t playing these fancy visual diversions, he’s busy doing school work to get his Bachelor of Arts in theology (with a minor in history). He also enjoys reading bad fantasy novels and various non-fiction books. He enjoys movies, particularly horror movies and action movies. He’s also listening to music, more or less constantly.